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August 6th- August 31st
OPENING August 6th, 6-8 pm
Desire approaches its nucleus and that which lives outside the mirror, the other. The impotence of ideals encounters what resists representation and signification, what insists on itself, aside from the Law. One could say that poiesis emerges as an ‘area’ where all building blocks of Language fall.
This presentation brings together a group of artists that rely on intuition as a methodology to mark what is always on the go.
Corinne Bernard
Myrlande Constant
Eduardo Da Rosa
Leonor Fini
Martin Jakaila
Anna Miorelli
Zelmira Rizo-Patron
August 6th- August 31st
OPENING August 6th, 6-8 pm
Desire approaches its nucleus and that which lives outside the mirror, the other. The impotence of ideals encounters what resists representation and signification, what insists on itself, aside from the Law. One could say that poiesis emerges as an ‘area’ where all building blocks of Language fall.
This presentation brings together a group of artists that rely on intuition as a methodology to mark what is always on the go.
Corinne Bernard
Myrlande Constant
Eduardo Da Rosa
Leonor Fini
Martin Jakaila
Anna Miorelli
Zelmira Rizo-Patron